Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 It's been a while since my last post here. 
For now now -  not enough work at photography. And because of dramas that I have at my life recently - I still didn't find the time and power to take some photos just for fun. I feel that I need it, but it will probably will take few more days. 

My last work so far around photography - I gave a photography tour at Tel Aviv. Few hours that made me happy for a weekend. I didn't really know that life will take me there. Still it's one more way to get some money from a thing that makes me happy. Well, happiness wasn't for long this time. At Monday morning, last week - I received a phone call from one of my sisters. My mother has passed away during her sleeping. We knew it's about to happen. She had a dementia. For 2-3 yeasrs a theraphist has came to her few times a week. It was in a try to help with the illness for the falling will take longer. Although the try of the theraphist (a wonderfu woman with the personallity for this job) - my mother's health got worse recently. When it got worse - it was fast. 

Although we knew it's about to happen - the moment it happened was shocking. It's a bit more than a week since, I still feels like a shock. I'm not sure what's more weird - the fact it really this way now, or the way that I react to it. It still feels like she's in a vacation and will be back soon. At least she passed away during sleeping, so she didn't suffer at this part. And I know that some other people who had that terrible illness gets to worse part that she didn't. 

I have two sisters. One was calling me to tell about it. The one in the middle was very mom's daughter. My both sisters are single mothers. The sister in the middle wanted to take her daughter to a travel abroad, but that is less for her. At October 2019 we had a part family travel to Netherlands. My middle sister, my niece, my mother and me. I was the tour guide... And of course I took my pro camera. My mother was already with a bad health. One of the things - few months after she started to use a walker. I know it was an easy travel for healthy people, still I was impressed that my mother made it all. I guess that it's was the firs thing that made me think maybe to try doing that too, a touring guide to other photograhers, accept go on with my own photography. I still needed time to really do something about it. 

Anyway, one of my ways to really figure out and relax - I got into the file at my computer with photos from Netherlands. The same evening. it was mostly looking at the photos with my mother. Although some things that made it a difficult travel (my mother's health was one the things) - it's a happy memory. It helped me to see her face in the photos. She looked happy there. Now I'm happy that I was one of the people who could give her that. A bit after we got back to Tel Aviv - the Covid19 all over the world. And finally some other people accept me could see that my mother's health isn't good enough, so she finally got the medical treatment that doctors could see that she had the 

Well... I'm not sure yet if I could publish her photos. Some close people did see, but here is another thing. Still, a bit from this travel:


We also had a day at De Haar Castle. And Utrecht, the closest city

We also had a day at Kinderdijk

Near the end - we had a day at Giethoorn

A day before the flight back - we visited at Cobra Museum, Amstelveen

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